Thursday, September 29, 2011

Here we go!

     Well America, the race is on. Our personal freedoms are a thing of the past. Networking and advertising companies are trading with our personal information without our knowledge. Example A: Facebook.
     Now you needn't be a conspiracy theorist to understand what is going on with Facebook these days: they are farming not only our personal information, but our habits, likes/dislikes, traveling habits, etc... They are recording EVERYTHING about our lives. And the kicker is that they are making it seem fun to post it all on Facebook. 

     Why is Facebook making all these drastic changes to the interface so that we (often unknowingly) disclose gross amounts of our private information? Why do you think, America? To sell that information for profit. If you think otherwise, you are probably a simpleton. As we all know, money is the root of all evil. So is Facebook selling our personal information to marketing companies? You bet your ass they are.

"Ok, so they ARE selling our information," you say,"What am I supposed to do about it?" Great question, citizen! Delete your Facebook. I know you want it so you can talk to chicks and post pictures of you with your bro's, but delete it. When shit hits the fan and the Federal Government starts tracking everyone who they think might be educated (which they are already doing :0 ), they are going to know all of your habits, tendencies, fears, blah blah blah because they will have purchased all of this detailed information from Facebook. Think I'm wrong? Keep reading my blog and you will change your mind, I promise. 

Please Comment!!!!!

Keep your eyes and books open, America. This is The Dangerous Citizen.

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