Friday, September 30, 2011


So I've decided to write about why my blog is called "The Dangerous Citizen" but first, I'll explain to you what the government thinks is an ideal citizen.

An ideal citizen, in the eyes of the Fed, (which are everywhere pal, lets face it) is one that keeps his head down and doesn't say anything. We live in the information age, and in the wake of this age the Federal government has become increasingly paranoid regarding the acts and views of its citizens. I don't know how each of my readers "leans" on the political scale, (as for me, rather than leaning left or right, I lean straight forward) but if you don't consider CNBC at least a somewhat credible news source, you're too dumb to be reading my blog. That being said, look at this article.

Yeah??? YEAH??? Time to wake up smell the coffee. The Federal Government has become so paranoid that they are approving watchdogs for social networking sites. And they think they are being sneaky about it too by saying it's just the Federal Reserve. Well I'm sorry to say that most ("ideal") citizens don't really know what the Fed. Reserve is. It's supposed to be just a centralized bank. Why would a bank be monitoring Facebook? "Oh we're just watching out in case some people are planning a heist." It's pretty clear that they are namedropping the Federal Reserve to curb public outcry. But it doesn't matter, because the Reserve is an arm of the Federal Government, and whatever information they farm via their watchdog is going into their permanent database.

"So what does this have to do with an ideal citizen?" You might ask. The government doesn't want its citizens to be reading any weighty literature. It doesn't want you to be writing anything of importance. It wants you to watch football and buy all of your goods at superstores, not private businesses. It wants you to be posting everything about your life on the internet so it can farm this information into its database.

So what if you like to exercise your rights? What if you like to be informed and help inform others? You are a possible terrorist. Look at this document the FBI issued to surplus stores:

Keep your eyes peeled, and sleep with one eye open, America. This is The Dangerous Citizen.

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