Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Well America...

Well America, if you have been watching the Republican debates on TV, you know just how stupid some of the candidates are. Thank goodness we don't still have to listen to Herman Cain's BS or Michelle Bachmann's BS but there's still a lot to consider. Negative ad campaigns are running all over the tele, and a prominent question that the candidates have to answer in one way or another is what they will do regarding the war on terror. Once again, the only one who made any sense was Ron Paul. He noted that we cannot financially sustain two wars (FACT) and that there is not such a thing as the "war on terror" (FACT). Terrorism is a tactic, it is not a state, it is not a group of people. And suppose it were a state or group of people, Congress has not declared war on anyone (or thing or idea, I guess I have to mention, sadly) since WWII. We are fighting Islamic Extremists in Iraq and Afghanistan, and financing it with money we don't have. The greatest current threat to our national security is the economic situation, not fringe Islamic groups. Let's not forget, the Taliban is shattered. Al-Qaida is shattered. Yet most of your senators and congressmen and women passed the NDAA (look it up) after the fact. Now the government doesn't even need a reason to detain you, they can just detain you, indefinitely, without need to ever bring charges against you. I don't know about you, folks, but to me that is tyranny. And excuse my French but if Thomas Jefferson heard about this bill, he would have a fucking hissyfit, and for damn good reason.

Keep your eyes open America, vote wisely. You're reading the Dangerous Citizen.

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